Monday 13 April 2015

9. Smartform : Designing a table in smartform

Step1. Create a Smartform in Tx- SMARTFORMS and double click on Global definitions. In TYPES tab, declare a table type. Click on Global data tab.

Step2. Declare an internal table and work area. Then Click on Initialization tab.


Step3. Here write the select query to fill the table. This table data we need to show in a tabular format on the smartform main window.


Step4. Right click on the MAIN window and CREATE->TABLE.


Step5. Double click on the Table and click on the DETAILS button on the right side.


Step6. The below screen appears.

Step7. Provide a line type name and number of columns with width specification for each column. Here we have a table width is 16 cm. So here we have a table line of 5 columns. Aftre that click on Table Painter.


Step8. To provide a box format to the table, choose Pattern button as highlighted.


Step9. Click on the Button Display Framed Pattern.

Step10. Double click on the pattern.

Step11. Now click on the DATA tab.


Step12. Here provide the internal table name and the work area.

Step13. Now we have to design the table header .  Double click on the HEADER from the left side.

Step14. Right click on Header and create->Table Line.


Step15. The below screen appears. Choose a line type. 

Step16. In the previous  step we have created a table line, specify that . You can observe in the left side five columns created. Now for each column we have to provide a header text.

Step17.  Right click on the first column and create->text.

Step18. The below screen appears.

Step19. Provide text as - CARRID.

Step20. Now  Right click on the 2nd  column and create->text. Provide the text as CONNID.

Step21. Now  Right click on the 3nd  column and create->text. Provide the text as shown .

Step22. Now  Right click on the 4nd  column and create->text. Provide the text as shown .

Step23. Now  Right click on the 5th  column and create->text. Provide the text as shown .

Step24. Now the table Header  is over. Now we have to go for MAIN AREA. Right click on it and create->Table Line.

Step25. The below screen appears.

Step26. Provide the line type. After that five columns appear in the left side.

Step27. Right click on the first column ( here column 6) under Main Area. Create->Text.

Step28.  The below screen appears. Click on the + symbol.

Step29. Here provide the place holder name.

Step30. The below screen appears.

Step31. Similarly create text for other columns.

Step32. Similarly create text for other columns.

Step33. Similarly create text for other columns.

Step34. Similarly create text for other columns. Now all text place holders are provided for 5 columns of the Main Area. Activate the form.

Step35. Activate the form and test.

Step36. Choose test button.

Step37. Choose Execute button.

Step38. Select Print preview option.

Step39. So here we have the table printed on the smartform main window.

Step40. Table records.


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