Wednesday 1 April 2015

4.Smartform- Using Dynamic Text in window

Creating a simple smartform and using dynamic  text in the smartform window
Step1. Go to Tx- SMARTFORMS. Create a smartform. Double click on the Global definitions.

Step2. Select Global data tab and declare an internal table of type- TSFTEXT and work area of type TLINE.

Step3. Go to the initialization tab and fill some lines of the declared internal table. 

Step4. Now In the MAIN window create a Text and choose Text type as Dynamic Text. In the Field name provide the internal table name with place holders & &. The mentioned internal table data type should be of type TSFTEXT. Activate the smartform and test it.

Step5. Choose Test button.

Step6. Choose Execute button.

Step7. Select Print preview option.

Step8. So here we have the output of the smart form. 


1 comment:

jude said...

"Dynamic text adds a layer of vitality to content, transforming static pages into engaging experiences. Its adaptability caters to diverse audiences, enhancing readability and relevance. By seamlessly integrating real-time updates and personalized information, dynamic text fosters deeper connections between users and content.dynamictext Its versatility ensures content remains fresh and captivating, enriching the browsing experience for all."

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